You, it requires a bit of basic knowledge of HTML and CSS; you can use any font available in Google Fonts, follow these steps:
1. Go to Google Fonts and select all the fonts that you want to use
2. Copy the <link href ... code
3. In Zumpul, edit the signature, change to HTML source and paste the <link href... code above everything
4. Go to Google Fonts and copy the 'font-family: ... ' CSS property
5. Get back to Zumpul and go to the HTML source, search the <div> or <p> where the text is located and add "style=font-family:....", the result should look something like this:
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" /><br />
<div style="font-family: 'Gaegu', cursive;">${firstName} ${lastName} | Email: ${primaryEmail}<br />
6. Save the changes