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102 - Install the app from G Suite Marketplace
Search and install the application from the G Suite marketplace, make sure you follow this process with a G Suite SuperAdmin user
4- Zumpul How to add Images on Signatures
Zumpul help your business to add powerful marketing messages or compliance messages on your email signatures, you can do this by rich text signatures adding images such as: - Banners, Logos, Social Icons, Profile Pictures, Etc Three options to add ...
Why am I getting an Unauthorized page when installing the app?
This is commonly because the API access is disabled in your G Suite domain, you'll need to enable it as Zumpul uses it to read your users and their profiles, for more information on how to enable it, you can watch this tutorial: ...
Can the users in my domain access to the Zumpul app?
No, only the G Suite super admin who installed the app is able to login by default, or any collaborator that is intendedly added as a collaborator in the app, for more information on how to add signatures managers or collaborators ...
101 - Prepare your domain for the installation
Zumpul has to communicate and perform some actions like listing the users in your domain, groups, etc and also write the signatures in your users' emails, to achieve this is necessary to make sure that the API access is enabled in your domain, follow ...